Currently, I am offering services for pre-surgical bariatric psychological evaluations.
Bariatric Psychological
Why do I need a psychological evaluation?
It is often a requirement by both surgeons and insurance companies to have a psychological evaluation prior to undergoing bariatric surgery. The primary reason for the evaluation is to help ensure you will be able to make the lifestyle changes that lead to successful weight loss and a healthy life. Assessing your emotional health and social support is a vital part in helping set you up for success in meeting your health goals.
What can I expect during the evaluation?
The evaluation will consist of a clinical interview and several psychological assessments. One of the assessments we use has been normed specifically on bariatric surgery candidates. Please plan on approximately 2 1/2 hours for the appointment. Prior to the appointment some paperwork will be sent to you to complete. I also request you bring a copy of your relevant medical records to the appointment. You can expect the written report in one week barring unforeseen circumstances. A 30 minute feedback session is included.
What is the cost of the evaluation?
The cost of the evaluation is $550. Please see the FAQ page for questions about insurance.